Welcome to Paulton Parish Council Website

  Allowance of Dogs within the Cemetery

A polite reminder that dogs are permitted in the cemetery grounds but must be kept on a lead at all times. Please do not allow your dog to urinate against memorials. If your dog fouls in the cemetery, please remove and place in an appropriate bin.


Paulton Parish Council was formed in 1894 and has a membership of seventeen councillors. The parish of Paulton is one of the largest in Bath & North East Somerset (BANES). Elections for the Council are held every four years. Paulton Parish Councillors have elected not to receive any remuneration but to give their time, services and skills freely for the benefit of the local community.




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Village Hall bookings and enquiries

Parish notice boards are located at the Hill Court Precinct and the Village Hall.
These are regularly updated with Parish Council information and forthcoming events.

Upcoming Meetings

Parish Council

18 Mar 25 - 19:00


Parks & Amenities

25 Mar 25 - 19:00


25 Mar 25 - 20:00

Planning & Highways

8 Apr 25 - 19:00

Annual Assembly of Electors

29 Apr 25 - 18:00 to 20:00